Terms and Conditions
1. Conditions of participation programs Language Campus
For the purposes of these general conditions, the prospectus for the current year is the informative document to which they are incorporated. The brochure includes information about the programs in Gran Canaria and abroad, destinations, duration and calendar, transport, accommodation characteristics, prices and, in general, the necessary and appropriate information about the characteristics of the different programs. The information contained in the prospectus is binding for both parties, unless one of the following circumstances occurs:
• That the changes in said information have been communicated to the consumer before the date of conclusion of the contract, and this possibility has been expressly mentioned in the brochure.
• That subsequent modifications occur with the prior agreement of the contracting parties, which shall be recorded in writing.
2. Registration, price and method of payment
Any application for registration in any of our programs will be formalized by fully completing the registration form and must be accompanied by a payment of €100 (Day Camp) or €300 (Full Immersion) (non-refundable). No application for enrollment in a program will be processed if it is not accompanied by proof of having made the payment. The payment of this amount is considered made as payment on account of the initial processing costs and will be deducted from the total price of the program. The rest of the price of the contracted program must be paid at least 30 days before departure, if 100% payment is not made within this period, the registration will be considered canceled without the right to claim or refund any amount. Places are limited, and it is advisable to register at least 60 days in advance. Registrations are personal and non-transferable. The discounts and promotions will not be cumulative with each other or with other discounts and promotions
3. Cancelation, non-presentation and/or abandonment of the program by the consumer
In the event that a consumer decides to cancel the contracted program, they must notify LC Idiomas GC SLU in writing. The consumer will have the right to a refund of the amounts paid to LC Idiomas GC SLU. However, the consumer must pay and, where appropriate, LC Idiomas GC SLU may withhold the amount corresponding to the damages caused to LC Idiomas GC SLU, including expenses of all kinds incurred by LC Lenguas GC SLU to date, including but not limited to: payments to third parties involved in the program: schools, residences, insurance companies, telephone calls, as well as any other infrastructure and/or logistics expenses, among others. In order to inform the consumer of the approximate amount of the withholdings or charges that will be made and regardless of their subsequent determination, the withholdings or charges for withdrawal will amount to:
- Management expenses that are calculated at a minimum of €300 non-refundable.
- 50% of the total amount of the program, if the cancellation occurs between 20 and 45 days prior to the start date of the program.
- 75% of the total amount of the program, if the cancellation occurs between 10 and 20 days prior to the start date of the program.
- 85% of the total amount of the program, if the cancellation occurs between 3 and 10 days prior to the start date of the program.
- 100% if the cancellation occurs in the previous 48 hours, or in case of non-appearance by the consumer at the exit or once the program has started, abandons it of their own free will, of their parents or legal representatives, or be expelled from the program
4. Changes and incidents in the program
LC Idiomas GC SLU undertakes to provide consumers with all the contracted services contained in the program, with the stipulated conditions and characteristics. However, the following considerations should be taken into account:
a. In the event that, before the start of the program, LC Idiomas GC SLU is forced to significantly modify any essential element of the contract, including the price, it must immediately notify the consumer. The latter may choose to terminate the contract, without being charged, or accept the modification in the contract. In the latter case, LC Idiomas GC SLU will specify the changes made and their impact on the program. The consumer must communicate the decision adopted as soon as possible and, in any case, within three days after being notified of the modification of the program. In the event that the consumer does not notify LC Idiomas GC SLU of his decision within three days, it will be understood that he opts for the resolution of the program without any penalty.
b. In the event that LC Idiomas GC SLU is forced to cancel any of its programs for reasons not attributable to the consumer, or in the event that the consumer does not accept section a, LC Idiomas GC SLU will offer the consumer an alternative program of equal or superior quality, or will reimburse the consumer for all the amounts that he would have paid for the program as well as those amounts that he would have paid for the program as well as those others that may correspond to him.
c. Since the camps offered are a program that includes a diverse set of activities, LC Idiomas GC SLU reserves the right, directly or indirectly, to cancel, adapt, change or substitute, depending on the circumstances or in the interest of the group, the activities or parts of the program deemed necessary, without modifying the general conditions of the camps.
d. The differences and/or claims that, in the opinion of the consumers, arise during the development of the contracted program, must be brought to the attention of the organization responsible for the program, in order to offer a satisfactory solution immediately. In the event that the solution proposed by the organization is not satisfactory to the consumer, the consumer will have a period of 7 days to submit a written claim to LC Idiomas GC SLU. After collecting the relevant documentation, LC Idiomas GC SLU will have, in turn, a period of 7 days to respond to the claim raised by the consumer. The term will begin to count from the day following the presentation of the claim before LC Idiomas GC SLU.
e. In case of claim, it undertakes to act with the utmost diligence, to find the most satisfactory solutions for the consumer.
5. Mandatory rules during its development
The consumer must adapt to the way of life of the contracted program, schedules and lifestyle that the program develops, these are different from the usual way of life and customs. The consumer agrees to respect the rules of coexistence of the organization. In particular, the consumer agrees to respect the rules regarding schedules, obligation to attend class, rules of conduct and coexistence with monitors, teachers, school staff, classmates, prohibitions on the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Non-compliance by the consumer with the rules in which the program is developed, may lead to being expelled from it. In such a case, you must bear the costs incurred by your return, apart from any other responsibility of your responsibility and the damages caused and you will not be entitled to any refund of the price paid for the program.
In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, LC Idiomas GC SLU informs you that your personal data contained in these general conditions will be incorporated into a file (whose responsible and owner is LC Idiomas GC SLU) for the commercial and operational purposes of this company. The acceptance of these general conditions implies your consent to carry out said treatment, and for its use for said purposes. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification and cancellation in the terms established in current legislation, at the address C/ República Dominicana, 17, Las Palmas.
7. Use of the image of consumers
During the time that the student is enrolled in the center, images of the students can be captured and used in the composition of graphic files or videos, inform and/or publicize the company’s activities through paper publications or their website, social networks, brochures or leaflets owned by LC Idiomas GC SLU, obtaining the written consent of the student or his legal guardian if he is a minor, in the registration form. If the student or tutor does not agree, their image will not be used. The treatment of images of the student is carried out with serious respect for the person and in accordance with the L.O. Protection of data and guarantees of digital rights of 03/2018, of the right to honor, personal and family privacy and the image itself, eliminating any capture or filming that could violate these rights. The images will not be used for purposes other than those expressed and may be transferred to our representatives unless the student does not authorize their dissemination. In the case of not being satisfied, the client must make it known at the time of registration, if not, consent is accepted and given and the use of the images referred to in the previous section.
8. Civil Liability
All LC Idiomas GC SLU programs are covered by civil liability insurance. Notwithstanding that the student additionally subscribes to any other insurance. LC Idiomas GC SLU acts as a mere intermediary between the insurance company and the consumers who contract one of our programs. In case of any claim, the consumer must go directly to the insurance company. In the event that, during the development of the program, the consumer needs medical treatment, and/or be hospitalized and/or undergo surgery without LC Idiomas GC SLU having been able to locate their parents, guardians or legal representatives, LC Idiomas GC SLU is authorized to take the measures it deems most appropriate for the consumer’s health in coordination with the Medical Center that treats them, renouncing any claim against LC Idiomas GC SLU for the possible consequences of such measures. The participant must inform LC Idiomas GC SLU if they are undergoing any medical and/or pharmacological treatment during their stay in the program. LC Idiomas GC SLU is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the falsity or omission of said information. On the other hand, all participants must attach to this application a photocopy of the Social Security card and/or private Medical Insurance, where appropriate.
9. Legal regulation applicable to the contract and acceptance of the general conditions
These general conditions are subject to what results from the application of the R.D.L. 1/2007 of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, Law 7/1998, of April 13, on the General Conditions of Contracting, and the Code Civil. These general conditions will be incorporated, signed by the contracting parties, to all contracts, whose object is the programs contained in the advertising brochure and bind the parties, together with the particular conditions that are agreed in the contract, and those that are could set for each program.
10. Conflict resolution
Any conflict related to the programs will be resolved by the competent Jurisdictional Bodies according to the applicable legislation. The express waiver of the parties to any other conflict resolution mechanism (administrative bodies, arbitration, etc.)
11. Acceptance of conditions
Participation in our programs implies acceptance of all the conditions set forth in the registration form.
12. Particular conditions programs Language Campus language level
The consumer (or his legal representative in those cases in which the consumer is a minor), assumes responsibility for achieving the minimum level of knowledge of the required language, as well as the possible consequences that may arise from failure to comply with this requirement, such as as the impossibility of continuing with the realization of the program. The minimum requirements of the level of knowledge required will be notified to the consumer prior to contracting the program. The consumer must meet a minimum level of knowledge of the language, to carry out the program.
13. Jurisdiction
For any dispute that may arise between the parties due to the interpretation, compliance and execution of this contract, they submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Gran Canaria. All suggestions or claims made will be addressed by written communication to: LC Idiomas GC SLU. C/ República Dominicana, 17, Las Palmas de G.C.